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Individual Training

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On this Journey it is my intention that you enjoy, let the Crystals guide you, let the senses take you, it is not my objective that throughout these hours that we are going to share, that you want to "decorate" .

It makes sense to me that you learn through the "eyes of your fingers", by "feeling", that afterwards you will enjoy your experience much more! ​


Main contents:

Shapes of Crystals

When and How Crystal acts in the body

Cleaning, Energizing, Programming and Consecration of a Crystal Tune in with the Crystal

Harmonization of Spaces and Environments

Crystals and Application in Animals

Crystals in You - Applications

Energized Water and Crystal Elixir

Form: 3 Modules (4h each)

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"Everything is energy and that's what it is. Tune in to the frequency you want and inevitably that's the reality you'll have. It can't be otherwise."

Albert Einstein ​


Everything is energy and we are in constant energy exchanges, which if not properly cared for, can manifest in blockages, tiredness, negativism, changes in mood and attitudes, and even pathologies. ​


Main contents:

Energy, frequency and exchanges

Crystals (Protection, Harmonization and Application at home and spaces) Plants Practices/ Rituals (salt, bay leaf, air fresheners, coffee scrub, prayers, among others...)

Form: 4h 30

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Welcome to this little journey through the World of Ayurveda, "Science of Long Life", my intention is that you embark with me in this fantastic Universe, where we can take care of ourselves, in a preventive way. Where through simple daily routines we can contribute to all our well-being! Routines that are perfectly adaptable to our western daily life, and with accessible "tools". It is for this purpose that I have been sharing some Ayurvedic practices and tips and now the Abyangha Self-Massage.

Workshops em Grupo

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Se queres perceber como interagem os Cristais e Pedras no teu corpo, quais os cristais / pedras que podes escolher para criar a tua "farmácia" ou Kit pessoal de utilização e como aplicar os cristais nas mais diversas situações com o intuito de te aliviar determinado desconforto físico, emocional ou mental , esses são os principais motivos que me levaram a criar este Workshop . 

Este formato foi completamente renovado e inclusive adicionados 3 novos capítulos .  

Principais conteúdos : 

  • O Corpo Subtil

  • O Corpo Fala 

  • Auto Tratamento com Cristais 

  • Meditação com Cristais 

  • Água Energizada e Elixires com Cristais 

  • Glossários de Cristais 

Inclui : 

  • Manual 

Forma: 4h 30

*** Também com a possibilidade de ser individual

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